Thank you for visiting the “Human Neurobiology” category in our portfolio.Below we tried to organize the main topics we learnt are of interest to researchers. The equipment you will find under these categories has been carefully selected and verified; We can often arrange for a hands on demonstration in your lab. Our experts will be happy to help you with any need.

Eye tracking in front of screens or in real or virtual worlds, we cover it. Our experts would be happy to meet, demo and help you source the right equipment.
View ProductsEye Tracking

EEG can be stationary or wireless, with 8 to 254 channels, for off line analysis or "brain computer interfaces", our solutions cover all angles. Would you like a demo?
View ProductsEEG

We provide professional and user-friendly software package for the collection, analysis, and presentation of observational data. from micro behaviors to facial expressions.
View ProductsBehavioral Analysis

Functional Near Infra Red Spectroscopy has become a significant player in the understanding of brain functions. Imagine the ability to analyze hemodynamic activity outside the fMRI scanner!
View ProductsfNIRS

Our vision is to help you have as many signals as you need, in or outside your lab accompanied with great support and easy to use analysis software. Would you like a demo?
View ProductsPsychophysiology

everything you need around your fMRI, from screens to projectors, from simulators to audio accessories.
View ProductsfMRI accessories

Would you like to use audio or visual stimulus? We can provide you with a full solution, in sync with other modalities and also record subject responses.
View ProductsStimulation

TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) is a technique where neuronal activity can be influenced by non-invasively stimulating the cortex through the intact skull bone. have a look at our solutions...
View ProductsTMS Therapy

Biomechanics, movement and perfomance becomes key in evaluating injury recovery, different prostetics, sport performance and much more. NBT provides a "one stop shop" to all your lab components.
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